We’re mad about kelp!

We’re mad about kelp and we think (well, know!) the world would be a better place if there was more of it.

Sooo, we started on a mission to grow kelp, more specifically Ecklonia radiata or Golden Kelp, one of Australia’s icons. It wasn’t quite as easy as we had first thought. Even though there are many people growing kelp globally, our unique Australian species like Ecklonia are a little bit different and there wasn’t a lot of research or information about the breeding requirements. After 5 years of perseverance and working with some very talented and cool researchers, we have managed to copy what nature does effortlessly and we are now able to make kelp babies, lots of kelp babies.

Ecklonia is an important habitat forming species of the Great Southern Reef and supports an incredible amount of biodiversity, including abalone and Rock Lobster. Sadly, our kelp forests are showing signs of decline due to a combination of factors including sea urchin proliferation, sea temperature, particularly in southern NSW. 

Our kelp babies can be used in important restoration projects as well as kelp farming . . .

Team Ecklonia

Warren Atkins (Wazza)

Founder, Kelp Lab

Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic
Built our temperature controlled kelp hatchery

Fun Fact! Represented Australia as a professional Mountain Biker

Jo Lane

CEO of Seahealth Products & Co-founder of Kelp Lab
Bsc Marine Science
Post Grad Environmental Management
Churchill Fellow of 2018
2022 Innovator & Entrepreneur finalist Corallus (Formally SheEO)

Fun Fact! Used to be a Seal Trainer!